Friday, December 23, 2011

Robots + Humans

1. Should roboticists (those who make robots) avoid making robots that think and feel like humans?  Why or why not?
yes because one day there going to get to smart and stop following orders but thats just a though people have in the other hand no because they deserve to be as "special" as humans are.

2. Should some robots be given human rights?  For example, the right not to be tortured, to be allowed to marry, to be educated, and to be free to practice a religion?
yes although there not human there inteligent beings and shoud be threted equally and fairly

Monday, December 19, 2011


a) Did either of the machines come close to passing the Turing Test (did they seem human?)
no they were 2 stupid at times and 2 smart in others and they just kept changing the subject
b) What were some of the questions you asked them?  Why?
do you have a cat, do you belive in ghosts are you a girl, how old are you. i wanted to make a normal fist time conversation
c) Why do you think it’s so hard to design a machine that passes the Turing Test?
yes it has to have multiple responces. also it has to think straight 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

acuarium 2

Learn more about this project


1.  Give 3 examples of plagiarism.
stealing matirial from the internet, saying things are yours when there not and publishing someting that aint yours and not givin creadit 
2. Take each example you gave in number 1 and write what you could do to make it NOT plagiarism.
givig creadit , sayig who the author is and not stealing information
3.  Go to Techbrarian’s Student Blogs page and find a quote from your favorite student blogger.  Copy and paste the quote into your blog.  Next, go to the citation machine.  Put in the information they ask to generate a citation for that quote.  Copy and paste the result into your blog below the quote.
This game is important because this helps you pick the right choice when it comes to your teenage life
sanches, E. (2011, november 10). [Web log message]. Retrieved from

Friday, December 9, 2011


1. What is this game about?
this game is about a couple of teens living life and making dessitions that are not "easy to complete" 
2. Explain some of the choices you made and what happened as a result?
i choose to goto the party, kiss the girl and to comment on the condom
3. Why is a game like this important?
it teaches you that every desition counts and gives you an idea of live
4. How could this game be improved?
giving it a 3D world, making a longer more interesting story, and more characters


1. Name 5 human rights and explain what they mean. 
the right to 
marry-this gives you right to have a family
freedom of speech- no one can tell you what to think believe or do
copy-right- to make a video(or something) and no one can make copies without permision 
no torture- no one should be tortured
no  unfair treatment- no one should be treated differently 
2. What human rights are violated in the game ICED?  Explain.
no torture, your sent to "the hole" where you can get harased and will get beaten

no unfair treatment, there looking up immigrants because there immigrants
3.  If you could re-design this game, what would you keep?
the point of it, the levels, the questions, the good wills,

What would you do differently?

the graphics ,the boolegness the levels aspect,the way cops moves