Monday, April 30, 2012

Random Question

If you were given the power to cure one disease, which would it be?  Why?

If I were able to cure a disease it would be the one that everyone goes through: death. I know it sounds weird but i would love to learn about our ancestors and previous generations and the way they lived. We could also learn from the decisions they made and what influenced those decisions. Who ever is reading this is probably confused when I say I want to cure death. I don't mean every body can't die, what I mean is that those who are not worthy to live or don't appreciate live shouldn't live and those who do should live forever or a long time like a billion years or so. people that are worthy of living should not threatened, endanger or hurt another life of any living thing intentionally or if it's not for the good of everyone else, in self defense or trying to save someones tell me are you worthy or not?


  1. the last sentence. But that's actually what I was wondering: who would determine those that were worthy? Couldn't it turn into another holocaust?

    1. that is an interesting question, the holocaust idea is not possible because someone worthy will never ever hurt any other sentient creature. If a non worthy group tries to start another holocaust it will be quite useless because a worthy creature can't die easily and has the right to defend itself when presented upon danger.
