Wednesday, February 15, 2012

super size me part 6

1.  Make a list of EVERYTHING you ate yesterday.
2. Next, visit Calorie Lab or Calorie Counter and mark the number of calories each food you ate contains.  Your list should look something like this:

egg sandwich         700cal
subway roast beef  660cal
mango nectar         128cal
sprite                      200cal
3. Now, add all your calories together. Write down your total.
4. If you’re a girl, subtract 1850 calories from your total.  If you’re a boy, subtract 2200 calories from your total. This tells you how many EXTRA calories you are eating each day.  For example, if I ate 3000calories and I’m a boy, my formula would be  3000 – 2200 = 800 Extra Calories.

5. Finally, visit Calorie Control.  Choose an exercise and find out  how long you’d need to do it for to burn your extra calories (in my case, how long to burn 800 extra calories).


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